The Power of Self belief - Yes I Can!

During the US Presidential Election of 2008, Barack Obama rode a wave of enthusiasm with the slogan of "Yes We Can", but the power of " Yes We Can" comes from you as an individual, because despite what you think "Yes You Can". 

You are amazing and can do anything you set your mind to, you can change the world and move a mountain. A hundred of people who believe in "Yes I Can" becomes a powerful movement that President Obama formed into the We. Together we are stronger, but individually we are still amazing.

Some of the greatest moments in the history of our planet has come when one person had the belief in themselves and truly believe that "Yes I Can". 

Some coaches and therapists will talk about the power of positivititity. Telling your self and visualising your success will make it happen. I don't support this idea entirely, when I dream about lifting the FIFA world cup doesn't mean it is ever going to happen, not because I can't play football, or that I am over 30 and the most important point that I am so fat (lockdown a been hard...) I am more likely to be the ball than kicking it. But the idea that Dreaming about something will make it happen it's absurd. For me to have any chance of ever becoming any type of footballer I would have to follow the only ever sensible words that came out of the mouth of one of the most controversial "broadcasters" in the UK media, Katie Hopkins. "If you want to lose weight eat less and move more". A simple yet effective message

But back to this idea of positivititity and dream of changes to your life. If you dream of driving a Ferrari no matter how much you dream about it or tell yourself in the mirror that "I will have a Ferrari" unless you are going to follow up these messages of positivititity with the action you are never going to tear up the streets with a red blur (because let's be honest with ourselves if you're buying a Ferrari it's going to be red)

So what's the point? 

Simple you need self-belief and positivititity to get over the doors that will shut in your face. In the pursuit of happiness, unless you have the odds stacked in your favour, you will hear the word no more than the word yes. 

The most important qualities you will need to learn to achieve success is self-belief and resilience. An arrogance and self-belief that you are amazing and can do anything, will let you pick up those keys to that gleaming Ferrari in no time. 

But if you need help developing your own "Yes I Can" mantra then that's where the help of a coach might come in. We are not here to give you all the answers but help keep your focus on the goals you set your self. Even the best coaches can't make someone who doesn't truly want it to achieve their goals. But if you need a cheerleader to help spur you on, then a coach might help.

If you feel we can help you, contact us at or come find us on Facebook at


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